Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Brigitte Plateau is the director of Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG.

  • Yves Denneulin has been appointed deputy director of the LIG.

  • Corinne Touati is the Grenoble INP correspondent for international relations with Japan.

  • Yves Denneulin and Jean-Marc Vincent are co-directors of the LICIA (Franco-Brazilian Laboratory).

  • Jean-François Méhaut has been appointed as expert for the action HPC PME (Genci, Inria, Oseo) as well as for the ANR “COSINUS” program and the “Blanc” program.

  • Jean-François Méhaut was a member of two selection committees in Joseph Fourier University and Grenoble INP.

  • Arnaud Legrand was a member of the selection committee in University of Bordeaux 1 (LABRI).

  • Bruno Gaujal was a member of the selection committee in ENS de Lyon.

  • Jean-François Méhaut is a member of the HDR commission of Joseph Fourier University.

Invited Talks

  • The 2011 International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Game Theory and Applications (MAGTA 2011) (Panayotis Mertikopoulos)

  • Network Games, Control and Optimization Conference, Paris (NetgCoop 2011) (Bruno Gaujal).

  • Twenty years of LaBRI (Bordeaux). Jean-François Méhaut gave an invited talk entitled “twenty years of multithreading”.

Journal, Conference and Workshop Organization

  • Chair and organizer of the JLPC (Joint Laboratory on Petascale Computing) workshop (J-F. Méhaut)

  • Co-chair of the Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory: Dynamics and Convergence in Distributed Systems (AlgoGT 2011) (C. Touati). Local organization committee led by Annie Simon.

  • Co-chair of the 1st International Workshop on Optimization for Green Wireless Communication Networks (GreenNet 2011) (C. Touati)

  • Web chair of the International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCoop 2011) (C. Touati)

  • Local chair for Europar 2011 (Prediction and Performance Evaluation Topic) (D. Kondo).

  • Co-general chair of PCGrid 2011 (D. Kondo).

Program Committees

  • D. Kondo was a program committee member of CCGrid 2011, ServP2P 2011, and BADS 2011.

  • 7th International ICQT Workshop on Advanced Internet Charging and QoS Technology (ICQT'11) (C. Touati)

  • Valuetools 2011 (B. Gaujal and J.-M. Vincent).

  • A. Legrand was program committee member of CCgrid 2011 and IPDPS 2011 and 2012.

Thesis Defense

  • Pierre Coucheney Optimisation des réseaux sans fil: une approche par la théorie des jeux (August 31)

  • Ahmed Harbaoui Vers une modélisation et un dimensionnement automatique des applications réparties (October 21)

  • Carlos Prada Rojas Une approche à base de composants logiciels pour l'observation de systèmes embarqués (June 24)

  • Kelly Rosa Braghetto Modeling Techniques for Business Process Performance Analysis (September 21)

  • Pedro Velho Accurate and Fast Simulations of Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems (July 4)

  • Christiane Vilaca Pousa Ribeiro Contributions on Memory Affinity Management for Hierarchical Shared Memory Multi-core Platforms (June 29)

  • Blaise Yenke Ordonnancement des sauvegardes/reprises d'applications de calcul haute performance dans les environnements dynamiques (January 7)

Thesis Committees

Researchers of the MESCAL project-team have served on the following "habilitation" thesis (HDR) committees

  • Brigitte Plateau served on the HDR thesis committee of J.-M. Menaud (Ecole des Mines de Nantes) and Agnès Front (LIG).

And researchers of the MESCAL project-team have served on the following PhD thesis committees

  • Brigitte Plateau served on the thesis committee of Eric Simon (LIG) and presided the jury of Ahmed Harbaoui (Orange Labs).

  • Bruno Gaujal served on the thesis committee of Euriell Le Corronc (Angers) as a reviewer.

  • Jean-Françoids Méhaut presided the jury of the PhD defense of Benjamin Negrevergne (Grenoble). He was a member of the thesis committee of Cristian Rosa (Nancy) Cédric Augonnet (Bordeaux), Bogdan Cornea (Montbelliard), Khawar Sajjad (Versailles) and Paulin Melatagia (Yaoundé, Cameroon).

  • Jean-Marc Vincent was a member of the thesis committee of Bogdan Cornea (Besançon) and Xavier Grehant (Paris).

  • Yves Denneulin served on the thesis committee of Guilherme Piêgas Koslovski (Lyon), Nicolas Ferry (Nice) and Hiep-Thuan Do (Orléans) as a reviewer and presided the jury of the thesis of Willy Malveau (Grenoble) and the jury of the HDR of Vivien Quema (Grenoble).

Popular Science

  • Several members of MESCAL were involved in “fete de la science” showing everyday practical use of game theory.

  • MESCAL team actively promotes science to young and non-scientific audience. This year, Corinne Touati participated to the "stage Maths C2+" and the bi-annual "semaine de l'ingénieur" to promote the use of mathematics to junior high and high school students in Rhône-Alpes.

  • Jean-Marc Vincent contributed to the national initiative for introducing computer science to high school professors in mathematics. This material was collected in a book [71] .